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In this weekend’s gospel reading St. James and St. John were fast guys; they approached Jesus to grant them the highest position in his new kingdom. It was clear that these young men neither knew the meaning of true service nor the implication of sitting at the right and left of Jesus. They thought of service as enjoying privileges and setting themselves above others. Therefore, Jesus was quick to correct their false impression of leadership when he said, “You do not know what you are asking…Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be a slave to all. For the Son of Man himself did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:38, 43-45).

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En el evangelio de este fin de semana, Santiago y Juan eran hombres rápidos; que se acercaron a Jesús para que les concediera el puesto más alto en su nuevo reino. Era evidente que estos jóvenes no conocían el significado del verdadero servicio, ni lo que implicaba sentarse a la derecha y a la izquierda de Jesús. Pensaban que el servicio era disfrutar de privilegios y ponerse por encima de los demás. Por eso, Jesús se apresuró a corregir su falsa impresión de liderazgo cuando dijo: “Ustedes no saben lo que piden.… el que quiera ser el más importante entre ustedes, debe hacerse el servidor de todos, y el que quiera ser el primero, se hará esclavo de todos. Sepan que el Hijo del Hombre no ha venido para ser servido, sino para servir y dar su vida como rescate por una muchedumbre” (Marcos 10:38, 43-45).

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Our Religious Store is

Enjoy religious gifts for the entire family!

Designed to help with your sacramental, seasonal, and holiday celebrations, you can visit the online store and shop from home with just one click.

Click here to visit and buy now

Friday, October 18, 2024 - 8:00pm to 11:00pm

High School ONLY

Join us for a night of reflection and depth, getting to know yourself through God's eyes.

Instagram: @skdrexelyouth

Saturday, October 19th - 11:00am
Saint Katharine Drexel

We are seeking 25 children, ages 8 to 17, to participate in our Church’s living Nativity.

Presentation: Saturday, December 14th at 8:30pm.

All rehearsals are Mandatory.

If you’re interested, please email Carolina Rios before October 18th at [email protected] with your child’s name, age, and your phone number.

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Sábado, 19 de octubre - 11:00am
Santa Katharine Drexel

Estamos buscando 25 niños, entre 8 y 17 años, para escenificar un Nacimiento Viviente.

Presentación: Sábado, 14 de diciembre a las 8:30pm.

La asistencia a todos los ensayos es obligatoria.

Los interesados, por favor enviar un email a Carolina Ríos antes del 18 de octubre en [email protected] con el nombre y la edad del niño(a) y su número de teléfono.

19 de octubre - 11:00am

Únase a nosotros en esta presentación para estar informados como católicos sobre una enmienda extremadamente grave que se ha incluido en la boleta electoral de noviembre.

La Dra. Christina Peña, Ginecóloga, Especialista en Hormonas Bio-Idénticas, NaProTecnologia y Medicina Funcional localizada en Miami, Fl.

La Dra. Christina Peña nació y se crió en Miami, Fl.

Se graduó de la Escuela de Medicina en la Universidad George Washington, como Presidenta de su clase. Completó su formación de practicas en la Universidad Albert Einstein Beth Israel Medica Center en Nueva York y se graduó de OB / GYN Residencia en la Universidad de Texas.

Apasionada de la educación, es profesora asociada de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida. A lo largo de su carrera ha sido tutora de enfermeras y estudiantes de medicina.

Ha formado parte del Consejo de Administración y sigue siendo asesora medica de Heartbeat of Miami Pregnancy Crisis Centers. Es médico de la Red de Reversión de la Píldora Abortiva.

Certificada en Cirugía Robótica DaVinci, la Dra. Peña fue la primera mujer cirujana ginecológica en el sur de la Florida, que operó en el sistema Baptist y HCA Hospital.

Vote NO on 4

Amendment 4 is a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that would essentially establish an unlimited right to abortion throughout pregnancy even when the heartbeat of the preborn child is detected, when the preborn child can experience pain, and when the child is capable of living outside the womb.

Amendment 4 will appear on the November 5, 2024, ballot and require approval from 60% of the electorate to pass.

We urge all parishes, schools, families, ministries, and individual Catholics to encourage voters to join in our opposition and reject this extreme and ill-conceived proposition.

English   Español

Read more on the Archidiocese of Miami Website

Wednesday, October 23rd - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

St. Bonaventure School - Parish Center
1301 SW 136th AVE, DAVIE, FL 33325

Presenting Guest Speaker:

Brooke Joiner

Co-Founder & CEO of Catholic Owned

Our mission is to connect, promote, and educate Catholic Business owners and professionals in South Florida, to better live their faith in their workplace.

Accepting New Members
Please visit www.cbnsfl.org

Martes, 22 de octubre - 8:00pm
Saint Katharine Drexel

Charla con:
Maria del Carmen Trueba | Paola Diaz Molinari
Tatiana Ferrer


Para más información, diríjase a
[email protected]

Sábado, 26 de octubre, 2024

Tú o alguien que conoces sufre de una experiencia de aborto?

Regresa a Dios que es Amor y Misericordia

Aquidiócesis de Miami / Ministerio de Respecto a la Vida

Proyecto Raquel:
(954) 981-2984 | [email protected]

Jueves, octubre 31, 2024 - 5:00pm

Recemos Juntos el Rosario

Jardín del Rosario
Saint Katharine Catholic Parish

Friday, 1 November, 2024 - 7:30pm to 10:00pm
Saint Katharine Drexel


Dress up as Catholic Saint or Symbol for a chance to win our costume constest!

$7 per ticket

Comes with access to candy trunks and games


Friday, 1 November, 2024
Bonaventure Golf Club

Come with your family and friends and spend a day full of fun, while helping those who need it most.

For more information visit

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Viernes, 1 de noviembre, 2024
Bonaventure Golf Club

Ven con tu familia y amigos y pasa un día lleno de diversión, mientras ayudas a quienes más lo necesitan.

Para más información visita

Please write in this book the names of your family members and friends who have pass away, especially those who died this year.

They will be remembered on the Commemoration of All Souls Day, Saturday, November 2, 2024 at the 8:00 am Mass.

Kindly, we ask you not to forget your donation. Please use the envelopes provided next to the book and drop them in the brown boxes located in the lobby. We thank you for your generosity.

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”

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Por favor escriba en este libro los nombres de sus familiares y amigos que han fallecido, especialmente aquellos que fallecieron este año.

Ellos serán recordados durante la Conmemoración del Día de Todos los Fieles Difuntos, el sábado, 2 de noviembre del 2024 en la Misa de las 8:00 am.

Amablemente, le pedimos que no olvide su donación. Utilice los sobres que están junto al libro y déjelos en las cajas marrones ubicadas en el vestíbulo. Le agradecemos por su enerosidad.

“Concédeles, Señor, el descanso eterno, y brille para ellos la luz perpetua”.

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Por favor, escreva neste livro os nomes dos seus familiares e amigos que faleceram, especialmente aqueles que morreram este ano.

Eles serão lembrados na Comemoração do Dia de Finados, sábado, 2 de novembro de 2024 na Missa das 8:00 am .

Por gentileza, pedimos que não esqueça sua doação. Por favor, use os envelopes fornecidos ao lado do livro e coloque-os nas caixas marrons localizadas no lobby. Agradecemos sua generosidade.

“Concédeles, Senhor, o descanso eterno, e brille para eles la luz perpétua”.

November 15 to 17, 2024
MorningStar, Pinecrest, FL


Cost: $200,00

Register Now

Sábado, 16 de noviembre, 2024 - 6:30pm

St. Kieran Catholic Parish
3605 South Miami - Av Miami, FL 33133

Párroco: Rev.Jesús Ferras - (305)254-2543
Daniel Miguel - (305)469-3160

Domingo, 17 de noviembre, 2024 - 2:00pm

St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Parish
2501 S Post RD - Weston, FL 33133

Párroco: Rev. Omar Ayubi - (954)389-5003
Jamilet Dupuy - (954)826-6199

Lunes, 18 de noviembre, 2024 - 7:30pm

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish
11691 NW 25th ST - Doral, FL 33172

Párroco: Israel Mago - (305)593-6123
Jamilet Dupuy - (305)303-5502

Grand Rifa pro fondos
Valor: $10

Regalemos sonrisas a nuestros niños de Venezuela

Dona una Gota de alegría esta navidad
Estaremos recibiendo donaciones de juguetes y alimentos no perecederos antes de las misas para nuestros niños venezolanos.

  • Coral Peregrina "Cantar de los Cantares"
  • Serenata a la Virgen

instagram / facebook : @lachinitaenmiami
instagram / facebook / youtube : @helpforvenezuelafoundation

November 22nd to 24th or
January 31st to February 2nd
- 8:00pm -

Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends.
Early registration is highly recommended.

Fall into love all over again!

Remember why you fell in love and get the tools you need to keep your marriage on the right path

Worldwide Marriage Encounter gives you all the tools you need to have the best marriage ever!

For more information contact
Roger & Annie Borrello : (678) 439-9633

December 07, 2024 - 8:00pm

Concert & Raffle

Great Christmas Carols & Aguinaldos
For Charity Work of our Council

$15 x 1 ticket | $30 x 3 tickets | $40 x 5 tickets | $60 x 10 tickets
Suggested Donation

2501 South Post Rd - Weston, FL 33327

Saturday, 7 December, 2024 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saint Katharine Drexel

Enjoy a day out with your family and support our community and local entrepreneurs

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Sábado, 7 de diciembre, 2024 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
San Katharine Drexel

Disfruta un día en familia y apoya a los emprendimientos de nuestra comunidad y sus alrededores

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Instagram: @teresitasbazar

Miami Shores, FL (October 9, 2024) – In response to the devastating impact of Hurricane Milton across the state of Florida, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami Inc. is establishing a dedicated donation fund to assist those affected by the hurricane.

Monetary donations can be made at Catholic Charities’ website www.ccadm.org. One hundred percent of all funds received will be directed to providing humanitarian relief and assistance to those affected by Hurricane Milton.

Visit our website for the latest news and updates

About Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc:

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami has been providing social services in South Florida since 1931. Today, it provides a variety of services within Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties. Catholic Charities help and support over 11,000 individuals annually through services for the elderly; shelter and care for unaccompanied children and youth; food and nutrition, early childhood education; parenting education services, housing services for individuals and families; homelessness prevention services; counseling and substance abuse treatment; and acculturation services for refugees and new entrants.

Media Contact:
(305) 762-1045

Michelle Jurado
[email protected]

Juan Di Prado
[email protected]

Archdiocese of Miami
9401 Biscayne Boulevard - Miami Shores, FL 33138

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10

Voting No on Amendment 3 will ensure that the recreational use of marijuana remains illegal for all Floridians.

Prevent Increased Use of and Addiction to Marijuana Legalizing marijuana makes it more accessible, removes the criminal penalties and stigma attributable to it, and creates the impression that it is safe to use. Taken together, these factors ultimately lead to increased use of the drug—by as much as 20% in adults.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who use marijuana have almost a 10% likelihood of becoming addicted, with that risk increasing in people who use marijuana frequently or start using it during youth or adolescence.Marijuana use among young adults is already at an all-time high, with 10% using it daily and almost 50% using it within the last year.

Avoid Adverse Health Outcomes Decades ago, the level of the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, THC, was typically 2-3%. Products today, however, can have THC levels as high as 90%, creating significantly stronger effects on brain function—specifically memory, learning, attention, decision-making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time.v This negative impact on brain function, in turn, leads to increased motor vehicle accidents, cases resulting in trauma, and use of psychiatric emergency services, emergency rooms, and poison control services.

Because the human brain is not fully mature until our mid-to-late 20s, young people are even more susceptible to the adverse effects of marijuana. In fact, research has linked the use of marijuana by young adults to psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, especially in young men.

Similarly, some women turn to marijuana to reduce severe nausea during pregnancy. This, however, increases the risk of stillbirth, premature birth, low birth weight, and impaired development of a baby’s brain, including memory, learning skills, and behavior.

Adhere to the Church’s Teachings The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense” (no. 2291).

Furthermore, at an international drug enforcement conference almost 10 years ago, Pope Francis was clear: Drugs are an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise…No to every type of drug use. It is as simple as that…But to say this ‘no,’ one has to say ‘yes’ to life….love…others…education…[and] greater job opportunities. If we say ‘yes’ to all these things, there will be no room for illicit drugs, for alcohol abuse, for other forms of addiction.

We are a group of young adults who teach the next generation of young people about the Catholic faith in a fun way.

Middle and High School Students

    Thursdays - 8:00pm
    Thursdays - 8:00pm
    Saturdays - 5:00pm
    Sundays - 6:45pm

Lord God, we pray for the youth of our Catholic community.
Bless them with wisdom, guidance, and the stregth to live their livres in accordance with your teachings.
May they grow in faith, love, and compassioln for others.
Keep them safe from harm and fill their hearts with hope and joy.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen

@skdrexelyouth | (305) 323 7893 | (786) 816 5674

St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Parish is a vibrant community with a great number of ministries and groups in the service of Our Lord and His People.

Animated by the Spirit and sustained by the Eucharist, the source and summit of our lives as Catholics, our participation in ministry and the community life of the parish makes our faith come alive in concrete and fruitful ways.

Carefully consider how you might grow in your spiritual life, and how our parish might grow as a community of faith, through your active participation in one of our ministries or groups.

Let us commit to actively participating in at least one ministry of the parish in order to strengthen up our sense of belonging and community.

Visit the link

Join us to learn how you can allow the Blessed Virgin Mary to form you as she did in her womb with Jesus. Youth and adults are welcome!

"Mary is the safest, easiest, shortest, and most perfect way of approaching Jesus” - St Louis de Monfort

To register and/or buy the book for this preparation
Click here

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Acompáñenos a conocer cómo puede permitirle a la Santísima Virgen María formarlo tal como lo hizo en su vientre con Jesús. ¡Jóvenes y adultos son bienvenidos!

"María es el camino más seguro, el más corto y el más perfecto para ir a Jesús" - San Luis de Monfort

Para registrarse y/o comprar el libro para esta preparación
Haga clic aquí

Two years ago, August 25, 2022, St Katharine Drexel Parish initiated an English as a second language learning program as outreach to everyone and St. Katharine Drexel loves learning English.

Our program philosophy is that the road to good English is made out of bad English. We only have one rule. Our one rule is “GIVE US YOUR BAD ENGLISH!"

We are here to show you the road to English improvement. The students vary in all ages and competency levels, everyone gets instruction at their level. We fill our hearts with joy as we learn together and we want to share our joy with you. Ask any of our students!

The parish absorbs all the cost so that classes are free to the parishioners and our neighbors. The program features classes at 4 escalating levels, Introductory, Intermediate, Intense Grammar, and Conversation/pronunciation and vocabulary.

The classes meet at the Portable building behind the church on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9-11 am for anyone who wants to attend. New students are invited and new teachers are welcome, there is room for all. Our students are spreading the word and their friends are joining.

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Hace dos años, el 25 de agosto de 2022, la parroquia St. Katharine Drexel inició un programa de aprendizaje de inglés como segunda lengua para llegar a todos y a St. Katharine Drexel le encanta aprender inglés.

La filosofía de nuestro programa es que el camino hacia un buen inglés está hecho de mal inglés. Solo tenemos una regla. Nuestra única regla es “¡DÁNOS TU MAL INGLÉS!”

Estamos aquí para mostrarte el camino hacia la mejora del inglés. Los estudiantes varían en todas las edades y niveles de competencia, todos reciben instrucción a su nivel. Llenamos nuestros corazones de alegría mientras aprendemos juntos y queremos compartir nuestra alegría contigo. ¡Pregúntale a cualquiera de nuestros estudiantes!

La parroquia absorbe todo el costo para que las clases sean gratuitas para los feligreses y nuestros vecinos. El programa cuenta con clases en 4 niveles progresivos: introductorio, intermedio, gramática intensiva y conversación/pronunciación y vocabulario.

Las clases se reúnen en el edificio portátil detrás de la iglesia los lunes, martes y jueves de 9 a 11 am para cualquiera que quiera asistir. Se invita a los nuevos estudiantes y se aceptan nuevos maestros, hay lugar para todos. Nuestros estudiantes están difundiendo la información y sus amigos se están uniendo.

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St. John Paul II, Pope

Karol J. Wojtyla, known as Pope John Paul II since his October 1978 election to the papacy, was born in Wadowice, a small city 50 kilometers from Cracow, on May 18, 1920. He was the second of two sons born to Karol Wojtyla and Emilia Kaczorowska. His mother died in 1929. His eldest brother Edmund, a doctor, died in 1932 and his father, a non-commissioned army officer died in 1941.

He made his First Holy Communion at age 9 and was confirmed at 18. Upon graduation from Marcin Wadowita high school in Wadowice, he enrolled in Cracow's Jagiellonian University in 1938 and in a school for drama. The Nazi occupation forces closed the university in 1939, and young Karol had to work in a quarry (1940-1944) and then in the Solvay chemical factory to earn his living and to avoid being deported to Germany.

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Juan Pablo II, Papa

Karol J. Wojtyla, conocido como el Papa Juan Pablo II desde su elección al papado en octubre de 1978, nació en Wadowice, una pequeña ciudad a 50 kilómetros de Cracovia, el 18 de mayo de 1920. Fue el segundo de los dos hijos de Karol Wojtyla y Emilia Kaczorowska. Su madre murió en 1929. Su hermano mayor, Edmund, médico, murió en 1932 y su padre, suboficial del ejército, murió en 1941.

Hizo la Primera Comunión a los 9 años y recibió la Confirmación a los 18. Tras graduarse en el instituto Marcin Wadowita de Wadowice, se matriculó en la Universidad Jagellónica de Cracovia en 1938 y en una escuela de teatro. En 1939, las fuerzas de ocupación nazis cerraron la universidad y el joven Karol tuvo que trabajar en una cantera (1940-1944) y luego en la fábrica química Solvay para ganarse la vida y evitar ser deportado a Alemania.

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