Gospel Meditation: 5th Sunday of Easter

My friend and fellow pastor, Father Paul, noticed unsightly, overgrown trees near his parish church. He asked the maintenance crew to cut back the growth, which they happily did, telling him the trees would be much healthier and even fuller after a good pruning. A few days later, Father Paul received a letter from an irate man in the neighborhood who wrote, “Jesus would never prune trees like that. He loves trees, unlike you.”

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Meditación del Evangelio: 5º Domingo de Pascua

Unidos a Jesús jamás seremos vencidos y tendremos la fuerza necesaria para combatir las altas y bajas de la vida. Un ser humano pleno es aquel o aquella persona que se une a otros para hacer el bien y luchar por el bien común. Nuestra unión con Jesucristo es fraterna, es decir, conlleva convivir con la persona.

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St. Martha’s Mens Club Biannual Garage Sale:
Saturday, May 25, 2024 from 7:00am – 3:00pm (Parish Center Parking Lot).

One Man's trash is another Man's treasure.

Tables are $30 Reserve yours space.

Contact Parish Office: (305) 751-0005


Vote No on Amendment 4

Florida Amendment 4, which will appear on Florida’s November 2024 ballot, is an extreme proposal that legalizes full-term abortion with no protections for the preborn child, including when the child is capable of feeling pain.

This proposed amendment to our state constitution would prohibit all restrictions on abortion before viability and create a broad exception that any healthcare provider could exploit to allow abortion up to birth.

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Voten No en la Enmienda 4

La Enmienda 4 de la Florida, que aparecerá en la papeleta electoral de la Florida en noviembre de 2024, es una propuesta extrema que legaliza el aborto a término sin ninguna protección para el niño antes de nacer, incluso cuando el niño es capaz de sentir dolor.

Esta propuesta para enmendar la constitución de nuestro estado prohibiría todas las restricciones al aborto antes de la viabilidad y crearía una amplia excepción que cualquier profesional de la salud podría aprovechar para permitir el aborto hasta el nacimiento.

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Food Bank On Thursdays from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

Help us Feed the Hungry.

We accept non perishable Food bring them to the Parish office.


Every First Friday of the month: May 3rd at 7:00pm.


St Martha is preparing few events to deepend our understanding of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We will Keep you posted.

Santa Marta esta preparando algunos eventos para profundizar nuestro entendimiento de la presencia real de Jesus en la Eucaristia. Les estaremos dejando saber.


Prayer of Fruitfulness

God in Heaven,
Your grace surrounds us every day as we seek to live and move and grow in You. Prune the spaces in our lives that distract us from You! Plant Your word more deeply within us!


Oración de Fecundidad

Dios en el Cielo,
Tu gracia nos rodea todos los días mientras buscamos vivir, movernos, y crecer en Ti. ¡Poda los espacios de nuestras vidas que nos distraen de Ti! ¡Planta tu palabra más profundamente dentro de nosotros!



If you would like to request a mass intention for someone, please feel free to go to our Parish Office.

Office Hours:

  • Monday - 1:00pm to 4:30pm
  • Tuesday to Friday - 9:00am to 4:30pm
Or call (305) 751-0005

Si desea solicitar una intencion de Misa para alguien, no dude en acudir a nuestra Oficina Parroquial.

Horas de Oficina:

  • Lunes - 1:00pm to 4:30pm
  • Martes a Viernes - 9:00am to 4:30pm
O llame al (305)-751-0005


Your support of the ABCD enables us to make a tangible impact on the lives of individuals and communities. Let us continue to give generously and stand united in our commitment to building a better future for all through ABCD.

Our Goal this year is $101,672.00.

Tu apoyo al ABCD nos permite tener un impacto tangible en la vida de individuos y comunidades. Sigamos dando generosamente y mantengámonos unidos en nuestro compromiso de construir un futuro mejor para todos a través del ABCD.

Watch the ABCD Videos



ADOM Daily Mass

Monday to Friday 11:45 AM Church / Iglesia

Knights of Columbus

Every 2nd Tuesday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Parish Center / Centro Parroquial

Emaus Mujeres

2do Martes 7:00pm Parish Center / Centro Parroquial
Vimari Roman

Grupo Carismático

Jueves 7:00pm - 9:00pm Parish Center / Centro Parroquial

Matrimonio en Victoria

Jueves 7:30pm - 9:30pm Salon "E"

Men's Club

Every 3rd Thursday
3ro Jueves
7:30pm - 9:00pm Parish Center / Centro Parroquial

Bilingual Rosary / Rosario Bilíngue

Every 1st Saturday
1ro Sábado
7:45am Church / Iglesia


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