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Word from the Pastor

Dear Community,

Today Jesus is presented to us as a teacher, since he “was teaching in their synagogues” (Lk 4:15). He begins like any other preacher: reading a text from Scripture, which is now being fulfilled...


Estimada Comunidad,

Jesús hoy nos es presentado como Maestro, ya que «iba enseñando en sus sinagogas» (Lc 4,15). Comienza como cualquier otro predicador: leyendo un texto de la Escritura, que precisamente ahora se cumple...


2025 Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive

Today is the day to make your gift to the 2025 ABCD! It is an opportunity for us to bring hope to others and help them experience the transformative love of Christ- a love so powerful that it can heal the sick, convert hearts and change the course of someone’s life.

Whether it is through advocacy, education, housing, or serving the poor- just to name a few- ABCD is bringing hope to those in need. Please join us and be an agent of hope by making a gift to the ABCD today!

Watch Video

Este fin de semana, todos estamos invitados a participar en el ABCD y llevar esperanza a los demás y ayudarles a experimentar el amor transformador de Cristo- un amor tan poderoso que puede curar a los enfermos, convertir corazones y cambiar el curso de la vida de alguien.

Ya sea a través de la defensa de los derechos, la educación, la vivienda o el servicio a los pobres, por nombrar sólo algunos ejemplos, el ABCD lleva esperanza a los necesitados. Únete a nosotros y sé un agente de esperanza haciendo hoy mismo una donación al ABCD.

Catholic Schools Week

Immaculate Conception Parish School Community Servicemen and Women,

You are warmly invited to join the community of Immaculate Conception for a special prayer service in your honor during Catholic Schools' Week. This meaningful event will take place on Wednesday, January 29, at 8:30 a.m. in the Church.

Please allow us the opportunity to express our gratitude and offer prayers for your dedication and service.

We hope to see you there!

Misa en honor a San Juan Bosco

Misa en honor a San Juan Bosco
31 de Enero a las 7:00 pm en la Capilla

Están todos invitados!

Open House for Prospective Families

Sunday, February 2nd | 12:30 pm | Mercy Hall

Register at open house, and the registration fee of $295 will be reimbursed once the student successfully begins the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Tour the Campus
  • Meet our Faculty & Staff
  • Q&A


Register now!

It's Back!

Calling all ICS Alumni! Join us!

Saturday, February 15th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Alumni section under the large shelter. Enjoy some complimentary beverages and meet up with classmates!
(Adult beverages for those 21+)

Saturday Night Fever
Free Event!

Dime Toss Booth

The dime toss booth is officially accepting donations!

  • Picture Frams
  • Figurines
  • Candles
  • Holiday Decor
  • Signs
  • Vases
  • Mugs Lanterns
  • Small wall decor

Donations can be dropped off during school arrivals or at Church rectory.
Please label donations with "Dime Toss Booth".

Register now!

Jubileo de la Esperanza

Sanctuary Lights

Activities Schedule

