From The Desk of the Pastor
All are cordially invited to join me for our
first annual healing Mass in honor of the
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Tuesday,
February 11th at 5:30pm at Lourdes.
February 11th is our parish family’s patronal
feast day, and Father Hage would like to
honor Our Lady of Lourdes by celebrating
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the
intention of the spiritual and physical
healing of the members of our parish family.
First Fridays with Father Joe!
Father Hage, our pastor, has invited Father Joe
Salerno, our pastor emeritus, to celebrate First
Friday Masses in the Seton Center Chapel at
Following Mass, the group will move to
the newly renovated DePaul room for a light
breakfast where Father Joe will deliver a brief retreat
talk for participants.
All are welcome!
World Marriage Day
On Sunday, February 9, 2025 at the Cathedral of the
Immaculate Conception the Most Reverand Douglas
J. Lucia will welcome couples married 25 or more
This is a joyous occasion for everyone to celebrate
so many years of marriage.
We are so happy to
join in wishing members of Mary, Mother of Our
Savior who will be attending this joyful event:
- James and Mary Jo Toomey - 52 years
- Frank and Vinicia DeFazio - 51 years
- Edward and Sandra Rooney - 67 years
May God Bless you and all of our parishioners who
are celebrating long and happy marriages.
Project Compassion
The Good News Center will be hosting a free workshop
on Tuesday, February 11th from 7:00 - 9:00pm.
Project Compassion,
provides a series of videos from experts to
guide patients and their families through the end-of-life
Presented by Father Charles Vavonese, project
director and co-founder, the workshop will discuss “End
of Life Medical Moral Issues.”
One hundred years ago,
most people died of infectious diseases such as pneumonia;
today due to advance in medical technology, most
people die of chronic diseases. While medical technology
has extended our lives, it has also presented us with several
moral and medical dilemmas. The mission of the
workshop is to provide spiritual and emotional guidance
to patients and their families.
Please register by February 4th by calling (315) 735-6210.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Diocesan Altar Server Celebration
All altar servers in the Diocese of Syracuse are invited to
a Diocesan Altar Server Celebration to be recognized the
Most Reverend Douglas T. Lucia Bishop of Syracuse for their service.
Procession, Daytime Prayer, Recognition, & Reception.
Parish clergy & staff, altar server coordinators & families are invited.
Altar server are asked to vest in their robes.
Register at vocations-syracuse.org by January 21, 2025.
Sunday, February 2nd at 2:30pm (Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception Syracuse, NY).
Pasta with The Padres!
Parish Family Pasta Dinner: Saturday, February 8, 2025 from
4:30pm - 7:00pm
$15 per Adult
$10 for Children 5-12
(Under 5 Free)
Sponsored by the Parish Men’s Club
Healing Mass in Honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
Please save-the-date for our first annual healing Mass in
honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Tuesday,
February 11th at 5:30pm at Lourdes.
February 11th is
our parish’s patronal feast day, and Father Hage would
like to honor Our Lady of Lourdes by celebrating the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the intention of the
spiritual and physical healing of the members of our parish family.
This special Mass will include a Marian candlelight procession, and will be
evocative of the Marian procession that takes place at
the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. All are
welcome to attend this celebration.
2024 Annual Contribution Tax Reports
Anyone interested in receiving a
copy of their 2024 contribution can
contact our Parish Office at (315) 724-3155. Please leave your name, phone
number and address if you would
like this mailed to you.
Events and Devotions
Saturday, February 1st
- 11:00am, AA at Seton Center
- 3:00pm until 3:45pm, Confessions at Lourdes
Sunday, February 2nd
- 9:15am, Family Life Catechesis at NDE
- 9:30am, First Reconciliation Parent Meeting at NDE
- 11:45am, Scorzafava Family Baptism at Lourdes
- 2:30pm, Diocesan Altar Server Celebration at Cathedral
- 6:00pm, Utica Newman Outreach at Rosary
Monday, February 3rd
- 8:45am, Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes at Lourdes
- 6:30pm, Youth Ministry Night at Seton Center
Tuesday, February 4th
- 6:15pm, Pastoral Council Meeting at Seton Center
Wednesday, February 5th
- 5:15pm, Holy Hour w/Vespers at Lourdes
- 5:30pm until 6:30pm, Confessions at Lourdes
Thursday, February 6th
- 8:45am, Novena to Our Lady of the Mir. Medal at Rosary
- 6:30pm, Young Adult Ministry at DePaul Room
- 7:00pm Church Choir Rehearsal at Lourdes
Friday, February 7th
- 8:15am, First Fridays w/Fr. Joe at Seton Center
Saturday, February 8th
- 11:00am, AA at Seton Center
- 3:00pm until 3:45pm, Confessions at Lourdes
- 4:30pm-7:00pm, “Pasta with the Padres” Dinner at NDE
2025 Consumed
Catholic Leadership Institute
Utica Newman Catholic Outreach
Totus Tuus Summer Program
Sanctuary Memorials
New Online Giving Platform
Young Adult Ministry!